We are a creative team looking to cause visual emotions through photography and videography. We share what we learn and communicate what we believe in.
Act on what really matters for people and our planet

Taking responsibility is part of our mission to create conscious work. We act based on our values and believe in our ability to leave a positive impact in our community and our planet. We co-create, develop and promote projects, products, and services that only seek to have a positive impact in the world and on people.

We create Visual Emotions

Content production that seeks to inspire, by telling raw and honest stories, we seek to create content that has a soul, content with layers.

Our work is guided by honesty, intention and appreciation

We believe that conventional content is really aimed to sell and be liked, and that most videographers are blinded by what people want to see and not what they want to show. We create raw and real content.

We unite our partners, customers and members into ONE collective

We are not just a studio, we exist more as a collective. We cultivate relationships built on trust and the removal of boundaries between people and disciplines. We work with all fields, science, technology, spirituality, sustainability and represent their work through art.

We innovate through creativity

We elevate our creativity to deliver work having a positive impact in the world. We stay away from ordinary and conventional ideas, we push our inspiration further.

We believe Love is the single most powerful tool for productivity.

- Carlos Oberhauser